Child custody Archives - Bineham & Gillen

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As the summer months approach, many divorced parents may find themselves confronted for the first time with the boundaries of summer custody schedules. We at Bineham & Gillen understand that court order jargon can be difficult to comprehend at times, so we’ve created this article to assist you in better understanding the summer visitation process. […]

Co-parenting can be a difficult thing to adapt to. It can seem impossible to work with your ex-partner, leaving you feeling lost and unsure of what to do. It’s crucial to have an effective plan for your joint parenting arrangement to achieve peace of mind. Here at Bineham & Gillen, we’ve assisted with many divorces […]

Regardless of the situation, every divorce will have roadblocks you’ll have to navigate around. The scenario may feel challenging as if you’re always strategizing your next move. This raises the question – does it matter who files for dissolution first? Bineham & Gillen has a team of family lawyers here in the San Antonio area […]

Uncontested Divorce vs Conscious Uncoupling Ending a marriage through divorce can be a difficult and emotional process. Sometimes, however, both parties involved would like to end on amicable terms. If you and your spouse have found yourselves in this position, then there are two divorce styles to choose from: uncontested divorce or conscious uncoupling. Below, […]

You may have heard the phrase “contempt of court” on your favorite legal drama or daytime judge show – but you may not understand what contempt of court, or more commonly referred to as contempt, means. When someone is found to be in contempt, they have displayed disruptive or disrespectful behavior in court or deliberately […]

Circumstances change – even when it comes to child support. You may be eligible for what’s known as child support modification. Here’s the process and how child support modification works in Texas.  Material and Substantial Circumstances There are specific circumstances that grant you eligibility for applying to modify child support. This substantial change can happen […]