Collaborative divorce Archives - Bineham & Gillen

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Co-parenting can be a difficult thing to adapt to. It can seem impossible to work with your ex-partner, leaving you feeling lost and unsure of what to do. It’s crucial to have an effective plan for your joint parenting arrangement to achieve peace of mind. Here at Bineham & Gillen, we’ve assisted with many divorces […]

Divorce can be complicated when it comes to legal matters. What is the best way to proceed? When involved in one, it is important to understand your available options. A collaborative divorce might be a route to consider for the most peaceful divorce outcome possible. At Bineham & Gillen, we want to give you an […]

Uncontested Divorce vs Conscious Uncoupling Ending a marriage through divorce can be a difficult and emotional process. Sometimes, however, both parties involved would like to end on amicable terms. If you and your spouse have found yourselves in this position, then there are two divorce styles to choose from: uncontested divorce or conscious uncoupling. Below, […]