Divorce attorney Archives - Bineham & Gillen

San Antonio Divorce LawyersFirm, Compassionate
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Regardless of the situation, every divorce will have roadblocks you’ll have to navigate around. The scenario may feel challenging as if you’re always strategizing your next move. This raises the question – does it matter who files for dissolution first? Bineham & Gillen has a team of family lawyers here in the San Antonio area […]


While military child custody cases resemble traditional ones, for the most part, situations like deployment and relocation make living arrangements, child care and custody even more complicated. In response to a growing need, laws are coming into play that ensure the rights of military parents are protected. For military families in South Texas, legal representation […]


Signs You Need Legal Mediation Legal mediation is a popular method used to find a legal solution to many, if not most, civil cases. Below, you’ll find a summary of as well as signs that may suggest you need this type of representation for your case. What is Legal Mediation? Legal mediation is the process […]


While no one likes to think of the possibility that their spouse is preparing to leave them, it does unfortunately happen. An unhappy spouse may decide on divorce long before they actually divorce their partner because it can take time to prepare for the split, especially from a financial standpoint. This kind of planned divorce […]


You may have heard the phrase “contempt of court” on your favorite legal drama or daytime judge show – but you may not understand what contempt of court, or more commonly referred to as contempt, means. When someone is found to be in contempt, they have displayed disruptive or disrespectful behavior in court or deliberately […]


Since the landmark Supreme Court ruling in 2015 that made same-sex marriage legal in the United States, LGBT couples have had the same marriage and divorce rights as heterosexual couples. When it comes to divorce, however, LGBT couples will generally experience some differences. The Basics of the Divorce Process In Texas, couples can file either […]


When most people hear the phrase “restraining order,” they typically associate domestic violence or harassment. While a restraining order does protect victims of family violence in some states, the state of Texas calls this a protective order. So what is the difference between a temporary restraining order and a protective order, and when do you […]


Going through a divorce is stressful enough, and claiming fault can be scary. That’s why it’s important for you to understand what your benefits and drawbacks are when declaring fault before making the decision to do so. In that spirit, let’s break it down. What is declaring fault?  When someone declares fault in a divorce, […]